With the market today a lot of us are having to put our houses up for sell. It is a buyers market so you want to make sure your house gives a great first impression. When you are selling your property you need to think of it as a house not a home. Which means
Declutter, Depersonalize and Simplify. Why are Show Homes so affect? because people can visualize it as their house and their lifestyle not the lifestyle of the people in all the pictures or of the kid that enjoy sports.
D.D.S can sometime be hard to do and you start to feel like you are in a show home, but that is exactly what you need to do to sell fast! The more corners you can show the better, it gives the illusion of a room being larger. Less furniture makes a room larger, less clutter lets a room speak for itself. Softer simple colours creates a clean look and a great first impression. Think of walking into a high-end Hotel room and the initial reaction you get from the decor,
clean and simple.
Hide the kids toys: when people walk into a house that is over run by kids their first impression is
dirt, damage and marks.Emotion plays a huge role on the purchase of a house, so make sure you capture them with sight and
smell! Pick up fresh flowers or light that cookie candle, dim the lights and have soft music playing.
It sounds silly but it works!I had a client ask "how do I know when I have decluttered enough?" when you feel uncomfortable because it is to bare.
You don't need to take my word for it is proven in the stats, that houses that are staged, sell for more and faster. So if all else, what do you have to lose! Yes it will take sometime to do
D.D.S but it is time well spent!
Until next time,
w&c designer girl!